Super Scoopers: Come Join Our Team!
Ah yes, the time is upon us to register for classes for the next school year. Well, unless you’re a senior, of course. As a senior, I am coming to you today to tell you all about the class that keeps The Spartan Scoop running. The class that keeps the student body informed, connected, and entertained. So buckle up and read on.
Hey! Yeah, I saw you roll your eyes. You thought, “I don’t even like writing. English class is my least favorite class. Why would I sign up to write more?”
Well, my friend – it’s your lucky day: I have an answer for you.
Writing pieces as a reporter for the newspaper is not the only role students fulfill here at The Spartan Scoop. What? Yes, believe it or not, the Scoop also runs a hilarious and interesting podcast called “The 300.” They are a group of students who spend their class time researching topics they are interested in covering, or that pertain to the Sentinel community, and then, once drafted, they sit down and begin to record their episode. Sentinel’s favorite substitute, Dylan Baker, was recently featured in an episode discussing one of Montana’s infamous serial killers, Wayne Nance. Other episodes discuss the podcasters’ reactions and opinions on COVID-19 in the Missoula and Sentinel communities, as well as lighthearted topics such as various teachers’ funniest stories.
The opportunities are endless.
Still think that’s too much? More good news: if you enjoy making art there are opportunities at the newspaper for you too! Currently The Scoop has a fabulous and gifted digital artist, Rory Krebs. They have been creating comics and other short stories for The Spartan Scoop through their ability to draw. My personal favorite is The Guide and the Garden.
Now onto the bulk of what students do. Writing is the core of a newspaper. However, the options aren’t limited to just stereotypical news articles. The Scoop generates a vast array of pieces every week. The website sports an arts and entertainment section, where reporters write about an up-and-coming movie, their thoughts and feelings on a recent TV show, a conglomeration of book recommendations, etc. We also have a campus life corner on our website that features both Sentinel sports and news about the school. The last major section on The Scoop is op-ed, or opinion-based writings.
Here, the possibilities are never ending. Do you despise a new rule? Love a specific club? Dream of vacationing in Italy? Have some advice to give? Op-ed is just right for you.
Even here the list of opportunities doesn’t cease. We have a social media manager, editors, and so on, but we can save the details on those roles for when you show up to the class next year.
*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Now, the important steps of actually signing up to be a part of this amazing team and atmosphere! First thing’s first: the basics. The prerequisite for joining our team (working for The Spartan Scoop) is Intro to Journalism. I know, I know, I just got done telling you that you wouldn’t have to write. BUT, it is key for all staffers to possess a basic foundation for the class by taking this course. Additionally, it is only a semester long. You can do it!
Once you’ve completed the beginner’s guide to Journalism, you can remove your training wheels and enter into the newspaper staff. Existing reporters will immediately be admitted into the 2022 to 2023 newspaper staff first semester because they have previously completed at least a semester of preparation.
To recap: in order to be a reporter or podcaster or artist for Sentinel’s school newspaper, you must first take Intro to Journalism and then upon finishing that course, you may go on to take Publications. Both of these classes will be taught by Ms. Bathje, our current (and very awesome) teacher who oversees The Spartan Scoop.
Please, if you have any questions feel free to email Ms. Bathje at [email protected].
Please consider signing up for these courses! The Spartan Scoop is an amazing class to take and a great team to contribute to! I wasn’t very familiar with most people in the class when I signed up last year. However, I quickly became ingrained in the group and often find myself laughing and having a good time while doing my work.
This really isn’t something you want to miss out on. See you next year!

Tessa is a senior this year and is an enthusiastic member of the band program at Sentinel. She plays the flute, and she also enjoys reading books for fun...