Throughout my life, I have found few things as interesting as I find eyes. Because to me, eyes are monumental. The first thing I notice about a person is their eyes. When I think someone’s lying, I examine their eyes. Even when I’m bored, I look for comfort in people’s eyes.
Although, out of all elements in the eye, coloring is the most incredible. Some tones are as intense as the ocean. Others stay mellow; and act as a reminder to the viewer that, in the end, everything will work out.
Eyes also tend to reflect their owner. The eye’s depth, texture, shade and light-reflection, all paint character. You can even derive a person’s strengths by looking at their eyes.
One’s insecurities can even shine through occasionally. You see how glints and smirks disappear from their eyes. The shift becomes so great, that their pain plants a hunger: one pleading for mercy, and relief.
Example one
For these peepers, I predict:
The browns mesh into greens, presenting a calm demeanor. The overshadow suggests a confident past. The balance of the eye symbolizes stability: the in-between of green and maroon represents the ability to change.
These eyes belong to Asher Maney, an 18-year-old senior at Sentinel High School. His brother, Sam Maney, describes Asher as “a very generous, and outgoing person”. Asher is especially nice with new people. He makes guests feel welcome by chatting at their pace, and understanding the boundaries of the conversation.
When Sam thinks of Asher, he thinks of a dark, calm green; one passionate enough to work for hours, yet sensitive enough to garden. In five years, Sam thinks that Asher will be a fruitful sprout. He not only sees Asher with a happy spouse, but with a successful nursing career.
Asher has been at work for his dream job since his junior year. Recently, he was accepted into the University of Montana for prerequisites. After the two years of pre-reqs, Asher is prepared to take on nursing school; a rigorous course in which only 1/10 of students pass.
Example two
The relationship between Asher and his eyes isn’t exclusive. Harper Jontow, former Editor-in-Chief of the Spartan Scoop, also resembles her eyes. The acrylic water in her eyes reminds me of a koi pond; one with a ying catfish, and a yang catfish. Her mentor, Ms. Bathje agrees with Harper’s inner balance. Bathje describes Harper as an earnest individual, never afraid to help, and always reliable.
Like a hand of change reaching out in a crowd of expectations, the yellow hue around Harper’s pupil emanates curiosity. It shows Harper’s willingness toward change, as well as representing the ability Bathje describes as “Being critical, but in a helpful way”. The golden tint also embodies the bravery of a leader. A role that Harper has held at the Spartan Scoop for a year now.
On the other hand, Harper’s pupil acts as a warden. Keeping her sincere, kind eyes in check. The darkness of the pupil manifests Harper’s skeptical awareness. Or as Bathje puts it, the underlying current of cynicism.
Unfortunately, as wonderful as Asher’s and Harper’s stories are, they don’t fully express the greatness of the eye. The eyes don’t only symbolize character, but express character. In combination with the eyebrows, eyes are the key to body language.
“Psychologist World” found that certain eye behaviors have a high correlation with lying and attentiveness. Common liar traits include, unstable eye contact, common glances to the right, and an enlarged pupil.
To test this, I had Harper write me a list. In this list there were four truths, and twelve lies. Harper then read aloud each statement. While Harper talked, I analyzed her eyes, looking for any suggestion of worry.
After the test was conducted and I “guessed” which statements were true, I was astounded: I had a 25% accuracy rate.Even after considering irregular eyeshifts, random stares to the right, and pupil dilation.
Where my test “failed”, National Library of Medicine’s “Succeeded”. In one of their studies, they found that greater pupil dilation is highly correlated with lying. The test was organized as follows: 1.a test group is given a question set. 2. The group is divided into individuals, and then interviewed respectively. 2.5 Filming of eye movement begins. 3.The participants were asked to answer half the question sheet truthfully. 4. The participants then answer the remaining questions falsely.
In the end, they found that active lying increased pupil dilation by a rough, .2mm.
Which is a 6.7% increase from the average adult pupil (3mm) when in bright light.
Appreciation of eyes has had a long history. As early as 3,300 B.C.E., eyes have had an important role in literature. Particularly, through the evil eye. The evil eye is the look of jealousy so strong, that it curses the viewer. It has been especially prevalent in Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, and Buddhist traditions.
Eyes have also persisted in the limelight thanks to their expressive qualities. William Shakespeare saw eyes as windows and would often describe feelings by illustrating the emotion of eyes. In his 130th sonnet, Shakespeare compares his mistress’s stare to a hollow sun: lacking ambition and any real meaning.
Illustrator Maurits Cornelis Escher, also liked to use eyes as gateways. Particularly in his 1946 art-piece “Eye”.
Courtesy of Berkeley, Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry and Vision Science
In this piece Esher uses the “right wonder stare” to show that when he thinks, or ponders, death is prevalent: maybe not as a catalyst, but as a subconscious, continuous, curiosity.
This line of thinking is also supported by Esher’s note on the back “As the viewer always sees himself in the eye he is looking into, I decided to show a skull reflected in it…because we are all forced to look at Death, whether we like it or not. Or he looks at us.”
As time passes and generations bloom, I hope the charm of eyes is still as prevalent as it is today. I look forward to the conversations helped by eye contact. I get butterflies in my stomach, just thinking of all the possibilities. Eye contact might reveal mutual romantic feelings. A father and son bond might strengthen via eye contact.
Apart from those life experiences, I can only imagine what eyes mean to people. Because of that, I hope eye contact stays culturally-acceptable. I hope eyes open as many doors as words.