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Spartan Scoop

Spartan Scoop

Inform · Connect · Entertain

Spartan Scoop




Lizzie typing away to meet deadlines

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Joining us for her last year at Sentinel, Lizzie is a strong addition to the staff. She uses her creative writing style and work ethic to put out stories about current events and awesome personal pieces. Overall, she has a bright future and has established herself as a prominent, valuable member on our staff!

John raising a toast for his fellow staffers

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Joining us in his junior year, John brings a great deal to The Scoop in terms of assistance and positive, fun-loving vibes. John’s official role as our PR manager is to maintain public relations with the Scoop and its viewers via social media. Using social media apps like Instagram, John helps spread word about this publication even further. Without a doubt, John’s hard work and heartwarming smile has made him a valuable member of The Scoop.

Jadis (left) and Karma (right) trusting in the creative process

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Joining us for their junior years, Jadis and Karma are our lead illustrators, creating images for our reporters’ articles. Thanks to them, we have nice hand-made imagery to put on our articles (and even a mural in the works)!

Caitlyn, as usual, killin’ it

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Caitlyn joins us in her sophomore year, and is one of our newest all-purpose reporters (read: she can do anything!). Through her satirical pieces and laid back demeanor, she’s quickly adapted into our staff as a welcome addition. Thanks to Caitlyn, we can take ourselves a lot less seriously and have some pretty awesome pieces on our website!

Lydia creating a drawing for one of their articles

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

The Scoop was lucky to pick up Lydia this year, an enthusiastic Junior who loves food science and who writes some pretty awesome articles about interesting dishes. Bringing not only culinary knowledge, but journalistic knowledge as well, Lydia has managed to help the Scoop branch out to many new, different culinary-related topics!

Asher locked into his work, meeting deadlines

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Asher joined us this year as a Senior, prioritizing politics as the focus of his articles. He typically brings a more serious tone to his articles, but don’t let his articles fool you: as in the newsroom, he comes across as a very sociable, goofy person. Like his brother Sam (also a staff member on The Scoop), Asher always brings an uplifting vibe to the Newsroom.

Page giving cheers with her taco mug

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Page joined us this year for her Junior year and is one-half of the “Well, Now You Know” podcast hosting team. She entertains listeners by talking about anything from the student body, to music, ethics, and animals. Thanks, Page, for helping to pick up the heavy slack of our podcast!

Lexi giving a thumbs up

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Lexi, a Junior, specializes in album reviews and other music related articles. Lexi brings not only a laid back feel to the newsroom, but also brings a very popular, music-centered category to The Spartan Scoop. Through her articles, Lexi introduces many people to new music and different ways to look at music as a whole!

Kelsie, captivated by her work

Tony Hemenway Spartan Scoop 2023

Junior Kelsie joined the staff and quickly made her priority to report on campus life. Kelsie has proved herself to be extremely productive, keeping everyone up to date on campus life and events through her articles. Along with being a hard worker, Kelsie also acts as a bright light in our newsroom, always being kind and inspiring to others!

Thanks for reading this far! While this piece was a pretty long one, it was only fair I made an updated article about our growing staff. If you see any of these wonderful people in the hallway, give them a high five or a thanks! Also check out their articles on our website!

Thanks again to everyone who looks at and supports our stuff!

About the Contributor
Tony Hemenway
Tony Hemenway, Photographer
"How can the Earth be flat if my life is constantly going downhill?" -Tony Hemenway