Teenager accidentally wanders into a weed dispensary.
Clueless daughter and worried father surrounded by weed
Do you ever have a strong desire for something sweet? While walking Downtown Missoula, a young teenage girl made the wrong choice in finding a way to cure her sweet tooth as she describes in her interview with me.
Downtown Missoula is perceived as a sweet, innocent place, especially at night for a family stroll. When a teenage girl and her father went on their nightly walk Downtown after dinner, the daughter was struck with a sudden urge for a cookie. She then locked eyes with a bright blue sign labeled Cookies. She quickly walked up to the supposed bakery with her father in the lead.
The daughter
is facing several fines
for attempted assault.
“It did seem a little suspicious that the windows were tinted, but I just figured it was due to the poor lighting,” the father described his reaction when he stepped foot into the shop: “I mean I was hit with an instant smell of drugs, unbelievably strong. Who would think Downtown would be a desirable place for a weed shop, these poor children are being sucked into the stores and preyed upon all because they have no self control.”
The father was angered by the situation and found it very awkward and uncomfortable to be with his teen daughter around weed. “I mean… of course I’ve talked to her about drugs… and stuff. Well, someone did at least. My only job is to keep it hidden from her at all costs, not expose it to her. She’s a very addictive person. We can’t even go to the arcade without her spending all our money because she believes she’ll win.”
I think the father might be lacking in the good parenting department. He somehow passed all the signs when approaching the store. Was the chalk board with large bubble words stating they had cannabis on the outside of the building not noticeable enough? While the father was enraged because of the odd placement of a weed dispensary his daughter was “shook”.
“Wow, who names their store Cookies if they’re not even going to sell cookies. I get they have like weed ones, but obviously I’m not going to eat a weed cookie in front of my dad. This is just ridiculous. All I wanted on my night out was a cavity inducing cookie, is that too much to ask for?” The daughter began to cry in her interview. We tried to tell her it was just a lack of observation, but she wouldn’t hear it. She wouldn’t stop crying until someone got her a cookie, which I thought was weird because this interview was held several days after the incident.
“If I don’t get a cookie, I’ll jump into the river! Head first too!” The interview escalated real fast. Who even is this girl? Once she stopped crying we continued on to interview a bystander and one of the workers.
“I-I honestly thought it was h-hi-hilarious. Everyone that goes Downtown often knows about this shop, like it’s not like they were trying to lure i-in children.” We could barely understand the bystander as he was stumbling over his words while retelling the story, “Wait. W-where am I?” Things turned fast as the daughter saw his laughter and ran over to sock him.
I think this girl has some serious anger issues. The bystander was obviously stronger and literally pushed her away even in his delirious state because she has no sense of balance. Anyways, the worker didn’t see much of what happened that day but still agreed to give his input: “Yeah, it was kind of funny. We don’t usually get a parent-teen combo, but I would have been cool with it if they were. But the only thing I witnessed was the dad opening the door and then instantly closing it as his eyes widened with understanding. I saw the daughter in the corner of the door so I kind of just connected the dots.” The worker shrugged it off as no big deal and just a misunderstanding but the daughter was ready to sue.
“You know how many people see this bright blue store and sign and walk over filled with joy? You crush their dreams. Are you happy, dream crusher!” She again was winding up to sock someone. It was getting too heated for me and my crew, so we slowly walked away as the daughter got in everyone else’s faces.
It’s clear to say that weed dispensaries have become widespread here in Missoula, but it seems to not leave the best impression for some teens. The daughter is facing several fines for attempted assault. The bystander and worker are being talked to by experts to make sure they don’t suffer from any mental trauma after this incident. The father peacefully returned home after getting himself a free cookie.