5 Tips for Spring

As spring approaches and the weather warms, now’s the time for positive change! Here are my tips and tricks for having an awesome spring!
#1 Start Setting New Goals and Better Habits
I know what some of you might be thinking, isn’t New Year’s when we set new goals and habits? The answer is yes, but 80% of new year’s resolutions fail by February. Spring however, is the perfect time to start these changes. As the weather warms, and the sun shines its face again, many receive sparks of motivation. This is just what you need to start new goals. It can be as simple as drinking a glass of water each morning, or waking up early. Not only will the increase in sunshine brighten your daily mood, but so will the new habits and goals you’re achieving.
#2 Fresh Start (AKA Spring Cleaning)
Spring cleaning is one of the best things you can do in spring. Cleaning out your room, closet, fridge, etc. Is the best way to have a fresh start. The phrase “clean room, clean mind” is not a lie. Cleaning and re-organizing your environment can help clear your mind, and relieve some of the stress of life. Cleaning also removes clutter, trash, and items you no longer need. Getting rid of these things may help you feel like you have a fresh slate and are ready to take on the rest of the year. This will also help when striving to achieve your goals and good habits. Sometimes these simple changes are enough to get people out of ruts and negative thinking. Spring cleaning is a great way to set you up for an amazing spring!
#3 Spending Time Outside
As spring comes around, one of the best things to do is spend time outside. Obviously the weather isn’t warm enough for swimming, but there are still plenty of outside activities to do. I am personally a very big fan of hiking, and spring is one of the most beautiful times to do so. Most of my favorite hiking spots are off of Highway 93, passing through Bitterroot Valley. There are plenty of trail signs along the road, and the best way to find great spots is to pick a trail and find out. If hiking is not your thing, that’s okay! There are plenty of beautiful parks to be at. One of my personal favorites is Greenough Park. It’s next to a river, and has a creek that travels through the beautiful greenery. It’s also dog friendly! It’s the perfect spot to bring your dog, especially if they are a water dog. The rivers are often too high to let your dog swim in without concern. With Greenough however, the creek provides a perfect body of water, that’s not too fast or deep. It’s a great spot to go walk around, to sit and read in nature, or to spoil your pup with an early season swim. With spring comes vitamin D, and in order to reap the benefits of that, going outside is the way to go. There are endless activities to choose from, like hiking, fishing, photography, picnicking, etc. If you don’t like one thing, try something else until you find what you enjoy!
#4 Explore New Spring Fashion
Saying goodbye to winter, also includes saying goodbye to your winter clothing. If you’re looking for a complete change in style, springtime is a perfect time to do it! Everyone has their own unique style, and inturn will have different preferences for spring-like clothing. You can try incorporating some brighter colors into your shirt selection, or maybe picking out a cute pair of sunglasses. If you enjoy dresses or skirts, you can try a light colored sweater over a small floral print skirt. If pants are more up your alley, consider trying a pair of light washed jeans, with a pastel colored shirt. Similarly, if you’re looking for a more tomboy look, khaki shorts paired with a light colored shirt/button up, always look great! There are endless possibilities when it comes to incorporating spring into your wardrobe. Don’t be scared to try! With the change in season comes a fresh start and a change in clothing.
#5 Prepare for Some of Spring’s Downsides
As great as spring is, it does have some downsides. For instance, PET HAIR. If you are a pet owner, I’m sure you are well aware of how intense the shedding gets during spring. To combat this, start brushing your pets everyday. The more you can get off with a brush, the less there is to fly around your house and stick on your clothes. Another thing to prepare for is the mud. With rain comes tracking mud around. To help with this, start taking your shoes off when you enter the house; also, buy a new mat to rub your shoes off with. Lastly, dealing with allergies. If you have allergies, I am sorry. The best thing to do, is to just keep some medicine and eye drops in your house, car, and/or bag. Battling spring allergies is probably nothing new to you, but keeping extra supplies in various places will prove to be helpful.
Overall, there are plenty of tips for spring, and this is just the start. Ultimately, doing what makes you happy comes first. If changing your style isn’t your thing, no worries. If you don’t follow through on goals, that’s okay. Spring is beautiful and any way you choose to enjoy it is perfect.

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