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Spartan Scoop

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Spartan Scoop

An Interview with Dance Coach Rachel Danielson


In previous years, the Sentinel Dance and Cheer teams have collaborated for the homecoming halftime performance with the marching band. Homecoming 2020 looked different due to the many restrictions and regulations, which led to a modified year. In addition to interviewing the Sentinel Cheerleading Coaches,  Sentinel Dance Team coach Rachel Danielson agreed to an abbreviated interview out of curiosity and excitement for this year and the future performances to come. Her responses are recorded below:


How would you describe your coaching style for the team?

“I would say my style is definitely one that focuses more on empowerment and collaboration with the girls. I’m definitely not a hard, authoritative, dictator. I like to give girls the tools to help girls make the right choices themselves versus coming down harshly if they don’t make the right choices.”


What are you most excited for this year?  

“Everyone seems really excited to be here. After covid it’s been really tough and it’s been a lot of fun to have so many girls excited to be here and excited to participate bright and early at 6:30 in the morning!” 


What things make you qualified for being a dance team coach? 

“I have danced since I was three competitively night and day. I also did a high school dance team and I’ve taken a lot of leadership classes that have helped to unite a team.” 


Danielson has coached for over five years at Sentinel and has led numerous teams to state basketball and football as well as competing in the yearly talent show Zoo Town’s Got Talent. She and the other members of the team leadership are excited about this year and the new events to come as Sentinel’s teams progress further into the AA Championships. Danielson also teaches dance classes to children of all ages along with teaching fourth grade at Franklin Elementary. She lives with her husband Russell and corgis Thor and Zeus. 

About the Contributor
Madeline Bates
Madeline Bates, Editor
Hi! My name is Madeline Bates and this is my first year on the Spartan Scoop staff as Co-Assistant Editor. As a senior, I am trying my best to get as involved as possible before heading off to college next year. I am also Publicity Manager for the Spartan Dance Team and Speech & Debate. Aside from this, I am also in Pep Band and I work at the YMCA as a camp counselor and front desk associate. I love long drives, working out, corny jokes, and iced coffee. I hope to get to know more about the Sentinel Student Body as this year allows me to!!