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The Consequences of Palestine’s Occupation

The Consequences of Palestine’s Occupation

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In 1917, the British government signed a document which would evolve into roughly a century of conflict, both violent and peaceful, between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Not only were there subtle purchases and evictions of the Palestinians, but there was also physical war between them over land, all caused by actions of outsiders not even remotely occupying Palestine.


In 1878, Before the occupation, the population of Palestine was 87% Muslim, 10% Christian, and 3% Jewish, with the different religions living relatively peacefully together. Soon, however, Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist, would found a concept known as Zionism. Zionism is the concept of a national home for Jewish people. Initially seemingly harmless, Zionism is founded on Nationalism and Imperialism, which inevitably lead to conflict.


Post World War One, Britain made a variety of promises and contracts, all regarding Palestine and all Conflicting each other. To begin, Britain promised Arabs self determination if they help to eliminate the Ottomans. However, behind the scenes, the Sykes-Picot Treaty was signed, dividing the land between Britain and France, disregarding the Arabs. Lastly, the Balfour declaration was signed, giving Palestine to the Israelis. This means Palestine belonged to the Arabs, the French, and the Israelis all at once. Britain would continue to support Israel.


In 1948, the main conflict began. Despite the efforts of 7 different Arab countries, Israeli weaponry created 700,000 refugees in less than 10 years. In the year after the UN was established, they came up with the partition plan, dividing Palestine among the Israelis and the Palestinians. Despite relatively even land distribution, the land was very gerrymandered, giving the Israelis far more power than the Palestinians. By 1949, the Israelis already Occupied 33% more land than they were given by the United Nations.

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The strategic and economic value of the Sinai peninsula and the Suez canal was hugely pronounced in this conflict. After a tug-of-war between Egypt and Israel over the area, the USSR became involved in favor of the socialist leader of Egypt, Gamel Abdel Nasser. After a threat of imminent doom from the Soviets, Israel gave up the Peninsula. For 18 years things remained relatively the same. That is, Until 1967 when the Israelis took Jerusalem, the Golan, the West Bank, and Gaza from Syria and the Sinai from Egypt in what is known as the 6 days War. With a refugee count of about 1,100,000, the Arab League Summit took place. Countries which promised to support Palestine Included Egypt, Sudan, Syria, the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco. The most prominent to emerge from the summit were the Three No’s. these were no peace, no recognition, and no negotiations.

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One prominent figure of the fight against Israel was artist Naji Al-Ali, famous for his character Handala. Handala represents Ali’s experience as a refugee. He is perpetually ten years old, wearing rags, and turned away from the viewer with his hands folded behind his back. Handala will not turn around until Palestine is liberated. Ali was assassinated in 1987. Whether is was by Israel for his anti-occupation views or by the Palestinian Liberation Organization as he often critisized them for not being hard enough on Israel.

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One prominent figure of the fight against Israel was artist Naji Al-Ali, famous for his character Handala. Handala represents Ali’s experience as a refugee. He is perpetually ten years old, wearing rags, and turned away from the viewer with his hands folded behind his back. Handala will not turn around until Palestine is liberated. Ali was assassinated in 1987. Whether is was by Israel for his anti-occupation views or by the Palestinian Liberation Organization as he often critisized them for not being hard enough on Israel.


Today, it’s nearly impossible to find new information on the conflict. For about a month or two, there was non-stop coverage, both by the media and by the general public. Soon, however, we would see all of this come to a screeching halt as the conflict simmered down. More important things arise, and when things hit the fan in Palestine again, it will likely once again be all over the news. We see this happen nearly every day, and unfortunately, it shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. There’s simply bigger fish to fry.


Political apathy, nationalism, imperialism, unethical intervention, and broken promises will continue to cause war and death if no one does anything about it. This must be stopped, and soon, or it may be the death of us all.

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Historical Timeline: 1900-Present – Israeli-Palestinian – Israeli. (2021, May 17).
“Intifada.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
“Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 May 2021,
“Israeli Police Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque Ahead of Jerusalem Day March.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 May 2021,
“Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Global Conflict Tracker.” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations,
“Leila Khaled.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 May 2021,
Merryman-Lotze, Mike. “What You Need to Know about the Bombings in Gaza.” American Friends Service Committee, 24 May 2021,
“Oslo II Accord.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 May 2021,,signed%20on%2028%20September%201995.
Staff, N. P. R., & Press, T. A. (2021, May 20). Timeline: Israel-Hamas Fighting Has Taken A Dire Toll. NPR.
Q&A: 2021 Hostilities between Israel and Palestinian Armed Groups. Human Rights Watch. (2021, June 1).
Vohra, Anchal. “Israel–Palestine Conflict: Ceasefire Declared after 11 Days of Carnage.” ORF,
World Report 2021: Rights Trends in Israel and Palestine. Human Rights Watch. (2021, January 13).
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About the Contributor
Mars Johnson
Mars Johnson, Reporter
“If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out 6 inches, that’s not progress. If you pull it all the way out, that's not progress. The progress comes from healing the wound that the blow made. They haven’t begun to pull the knife out...They won’t even admit the knife is there” -Malcom X Hi, I’m Mars! I'm the producer of the Spartan Scoop's podcast, "The 300". I hope to bring an entertaining twist to authentic news. Click Here to Listen to The 300