We all remember fear:
when the tension within our hearts begins to overflow
when our breath begins to escape our grasp
when we forget how to convey the simplest thoughts
when shivers within our bones explode into our muscles
Fear is carved into our being.
On my stroll through life, I’ve learned a lot. Time and time again my senses are surpassed, and in the wake, I stand with my broken perspective. In the recovery of my stance, I enjoy myself, take pride in my loss, and wait eagerly for a chance to spotlight my growth. My being glows with joy when I’m defeated. The implicit showing of higher skies tempts me to grow – the challenge of improving is a red flag waved in my face, one which I simply must ram into.
However, this domain of emotion is also subject to calamity. Like most good things in life, my growth cycle has a counter agent, an opposite some might say, and it comes in the body of fear.
Everything I have learned in life crumbles in the face of fear.
Like a dog being scolded by his owner, I cower and shut down overwhelmed with panic. To my being, there is no anticipation of overcoming fear, and I would rather run to the ends of the world than willingly face the messenger of death. By nature, fear is a feeling developed to avoid situations that promote death. Therefore, by definition, what scares us is a glimpse into the trauma of our ancestors. So with generations of genetic advice guiding me to avoid eerie situations, why – why would I go out and place myself in a gambit for my life, only hoping that I would forget the dread that makes my skin crawl?
Truly, I have never met an obstacle like fear.
It has the connotation of an adversary, attacking when one would least expect. It has the inevitability of a natural disaster, always effective in its destruction. Truly, I must re-evolve a strategy to combat the epidemic of fear.
Through the trials of ethos, I know writing a piece about overcoming challenges will be of no avail. To make an impact by any margin, I must challenge the minds of the masses and destroy any preexisting connotation of overcoming innate trauma. If I don’t leave my readers’ minds vacant and hungry, then there is virtually no chance of my message sprouting into change.
Through the tribulations of pathos, I know that shock is the backdoor into the mind. I know that to buzz my audience I must obliterate their expectations. If done right, a shocking experience will plant curiosity in the minds of its witnesses. As an entertainer, I am confident I can appeal to the majority. Through my years of experimentation, I am sure I can contort my voice so the majority will have no choice but to lower their ears.
Topics to come:

The fear of the unknown

The dread of heights