The moon shines upon a crying land.
The humidity warms its domain, almost into evaporation.
Love bursts when repetition ends.
Our evanescent hunger growls to feed our innate greed.
Truly, what is more human than these juxtapositions?

I love your humor
I like your voice
I appreciate you
You’re a pain
Deviants, the rebels by definition. More than their cause, I appreciate their bravery.
Through all the pressure, these people persist. They are salmons swimming upstream, ignoring all debris slamming against their efforts.
Their contrasting nature draws wonder to my attention, like a blessing amidst a battlefield.

Superheroes by Daft Punk: one of my favorite songs. To me it embodies freedom, excitement, and the appeal of youth. Even though the only lyrics are “Something’s in the air”, the song’s passion captures the audience…like a bee whispering around a flower’s ear out of habit, but coincidentally gathering its pollen.
This phenomenon of literal vs. rhetorical is one of the things I love most about life. It fascinates me to know that people may find subjective beauty in the things I make; even when my intentions are forgotten. In a way, it’s a retelling of the old saying: A man may die, but not his ideas.

To the wretched pigs, squealing rats, and festering birds: I love you. I’m sorry that you’ve been persecuted for the sins of your forefathers. What happens to you is a calamity. Day to day, you have to put up with our baseless standards.
If only you were born something else, the world would love you. We would celebrate your resourcefulness and the way you prioritize survival. In humility, you abolish every creature on this planet. Our arrogance takes your sacrifices for granted, and for that, forgive me and those around you. As hard as we may try, humans are catalysts for misfortune. We can’t restrain our envy when we see your humble lifestyle, so don’t hold a grudge – we are the primal animals.

Every once in a while I’ll find myself in a curious mood. Often in these tantrums, I look at those around me and wonder how did I get so lucky? At what point am I being blessed with people, and when do I just start making the best out of what I have? Is prosperity about perspective or chance?
Part of me wants to learn the answer, but the majority doesn’t want to care. At the end of the day, it’s still the same result- the same beauty; it’s a rose, just as sweet by any other name.

Wow, Diego – you’ve grown a lot.
Look at you go, man!
You’re a lot better writer than the last time I checked!
Yeah thanks, glad you decided to check. I appreciate the compliments and everything, but, it’s just hollow. I don’t blame you, not at all. I don’t think many people can live up to my expectations. But I like to dream.
I reject your claims of appraisal not out of malice or pity, but instead out of omission. You don’t know where I came from or how I came to be, so how could one not only understand me – but also stand behind everything I do?
It’s a paradox, but I think it’s worth considering: the way we love without knowing. The way we can understand, yet reject others. It’s all so…human.

And to those who love me despite my past,
thank you.