Slush sifted through the underside of the man’s boots and leaves scraped the stoney pavement. Walking through the trail, he heard the crows and their arguments squawking overhead. The dreary clouds stretched across the evening sky, coating the world with thick gray paint. The heavy rain was hitting his jacket full of down feathers like a heartbeat.
Screeching in the distance, he could hear an approaching squall. Looking for the nearest place of refuge he noticed a small window through the trees, so thick that if he were to step back it would vanish. The thick growth covering the stoney surroundings of the window alluded to the weary light flickering within.
The window, now revealing itself to be accompanied by a short cobblestone wall and a shed roof, was growing brighter. As he made his way around the thick undergrowth, losing track of the window many times, he saw shadowing figures within the cabin.
His senses grew fond of the wet mud and the spattering leaves, but its familiar smell began to develop quietly as a richer and more fulfilling smell. He could tell something was being fixed up inside the cottage.
He finally approached the door. Greeting him menacingly was a gargoyle door knocker. Suddenly the door flung open. A sturdy, wistful old man gazed up at him with a mischievous grin. Through a smile, he said, “C’mon in.”

He entered the quaint room and was met with stairs to the front, a small living room with a bunk bed and a boxy TV, and to the left was a small kitchen, yellowed by the glowing lanterns hung above the sink. A metal fan whirred as the man asked him for his name. The traveler introduced himself as Samuel.
“Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Samuel, I go by Grandpa Asher.” said the inviting old man.
“And this is my noble apprentice, Cook Jude.” he motioned towards the kitchen and a fellow with a tall, white plumed hat appeared from behind the pantry door.
Cook Jude had been holding a hefty box of fettuccine which he accidentally dumped onto the ground, startled at the appearance of the newcomer. Shaking his head, Grandpa Asher gestured to the bottom bunk of the bed and said to Samuel,
“I’ll have some tea made for you once this bloke is taken care of.” nodding to Cook Jude.
“What type suits your palette? I have green, black, or my favorite, homemade lemon tea.”
“Lemon sounds splendid,” replied Samuel.

Samuel grabbed hold of the top bunk and swung his heavy pack upon it, grateful to have the burden off his shoulders. He then collapsed on the bottom bunk and breathed warmth into his chilly hands.
In the kitchen, Grandpa Asher grabbed a new box of fettuccine as he promptly instructed Cook Jude to sweep up the fallen noodles. When Jude finished, he took some of the boiling water that had been prepared for the noodles and poured it into a teacup.
The cook strolled from the kitchen to the pantry and gathered up the ingredients that were necessary. He followed this recipe to make the tea…
- 1 cup of water
- 2 teaspoons honey
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon white sugar
- Pour water into a small pot. Heat until boiling
- Pour water into a mug and stir in lemon juice and sugar until dissolved
He walked to the bed and woke the man, resting a tray with a pot and a cup on his lap. The tea was piping, filling his sinuses with a rich honey smell. He was immediately replenished with warmth when he took a sip of the steaming tea.
Around 10 minutes later the traveler fully came back to his senses. The dish was still being prepared. The quaking of the pot, the parsley spinning in the boiling water, and the noodles slowly sinking into the pot attracted the traveler’s senses.

Samuel began a curious walk through the cottage. He wiped the condensation off the inside of the foggy windows, looking out on the wet, dewy forest. In the other room, Grandpa Asher and his successor beckoned Samuel into the kitchen. The dish was close to being prepared and Cook Jude told him where to find plates and utensils. He would be able to dish up the roasted sprouts sitting in the oven.

Grandpa Asher took the pot off the heat and the other two men sat at the table aside from the kitchen.

“Oh my” Samuel exclaimed, his senses filled to the brim. He was delighted that the smell sustained the taste.
“I’m glad you like it” Grandpa Asher replied, thankful that his hours of hard work paid off.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how is it made? I’d love to share this with my family back home” Samuel asked.

Grandpa Asher replied, “Well of course,” motioning to Cook Jude to grab the recipe from the top of the fridge. He came back to the table with the recipe and it read:
Garlic Pasta + Bread
- 2 tbsp unsalted butter
- 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 cups
- 500 ml chicken broth 1 cup
- 240 ml milk 8 oz
- 240g fettuccine salt & pepper to taste
- ¼ cup 30g grated parmesan cheese
- 2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 loaf wheat bread, sliced, glazed in garlic extras
Samuel skimmed the list, now aware of everything in his mouth, but delighted. He thanked the old man and his apprentice for the wonderful meal. As Cook Jude packed dishes into the washer Grandpa Asher offered Sam the bottom bunk.
An hour later, now sleeping on the couch, Cook Jude thought in his head of the wonderful meal they had with their new wonderful guest.